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European Patient Forum

Hear from experts, meet patients and families and talk to healthcare professionals at the first ever European Patient Forum, co-hosted by the IWMF and WMUK.

Thank you!

A big thank you to everyone who joined us and the IWMF in Birmingham, Amsterdam, and online for the very first European WM Patient Forum.


We had a fantastic day, with sessions being streamed between our two sites and live on YouTube. Subjects covered included:

  • Mental health and Active Monitoring

  • Peripheral Neuropathy

  • An 'Ask the Healthcare Professional' panel of experts from across Europe

The event was an exciting, first-of-its-kind for both our organisations and the WM community, bringing together our combines resources to provide even more expert advice and personal support for people affected by WM across Europe.

Here in the UK, our audience participated some fantastic talks from patients and healthcare professionals covering:

  • How WM develops and causes symptoms

  • How to manage symptoms, from those that live with them

  • How patients are at the heart of WM research, and how you can get involved

  • Fatigue, from the perspective of a healthcare professional and patient


All the sessions in both locations were recorded and available to watch back on our YouTube Channel.

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